Look into the circle, chin aligned with chest, outside rein, bump bump bump, outside leg, squeeze, inside leg squeeze, use your seat, more seat, ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four, relax that left arm, outside leg, no LEG.... not heel, outside rein, bump bump bump, ONE two THREE four ONE two THREE four, more seat, stretch your spine, chin over chest, look into the circle, inside rein....bump bump bump, inside LEG, more, more, ok, good, nice, use that seat, ONE two THREE four, outside leg, no...LEG, Stand up, Sit down, thumbnails forward, don't cross the line, outside rein, outside rein, OUTSIDE REIN, LEG, LEG, SEAT, SEAT....ONE two THREE four......
Ever dared to have a dressage lesson? This ain't no trail ride baby! This is WORK! I could just keep riding my horse how I was riding her. We were doing perfectly fine, lovely in fact. But I saw what was missing, and it was time to take it to the next level.
As my legs started to get frustrated and my fingers got confused, I remembered how I got up at six am several mornings a week to clean horse stalls for this, because as my teacher so cleverly quoted, “Anything worth doing is hard work.” And as I finally got to rest my horse, and my legs, and seat and brain, I got present to how this feeling was not uncommon for me in my current place in life.
I am currently in a transformational leadership program which has me blowing the lid off of who I have known myself to be and what I think I am capable of. And it looks alot like a dressage lesson.
Share yourself, be in integrity, create a powerful context, be bold, be BOLD, be vivid, be the cause, clean your house, clean your car, show up on time, show up on time, get it all done, restore integrity, play a big game, share, share, share vividly, be BOLD, make a difference, no MAKE a difference, powerful context, BIG game, face yourself...in the mirror, be excited, be MORE excited, be GREAT, breakdown, be the cause, breakthrough,share, share, share......
It’s intensity, caused by intentionality. And I COULD just keep living my life how I was living it. It was perfectly fine, lovely in fact. But something was missing, and it was time to blow up “fine”.
Because anything worth doing is hard work. Or, said another way, work hard at anything worth doing, and soon the work only appears as worth.